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- Special Needs Resource Directory | Bright Feats | Florida
Bright Feats works with the community to provide a publication and platform for Families and Loved ones of those with special needs to find the resources they need to have optimal success with health improvements and independence. Newly Diagnosed? Transitioning to Adult? Transition Links Mission To provide a publication and platform for Families and Loved ones of those with special needs to find the resources they need to have optimal success with health improvements and independence. 2024 Bright Beacon Award Summer Camp Guide
- School District of Manatee County: Exceptional Student Education
We want to make it easy for you to reach us at your convenience — anytime, anywhere. Simply select a topic to ask a question, submit a comment or share a success. Please provide as much information as possible. We promise to review and respond within two business days. School District of Manatee County: Exceptional Student Education https://www.manateeschools.net/ESE (941) 708-8770 215 Manatee Ave W, Bradenton, FL, USA We want to make it easy for you to reach us at your convenience — anytime, anywhere. Simply select a topic to ask a question, submit a comment or share a success. Please provide as much information as possible. We promise to review and respond within two business days.
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- Osceola County Schools Exceptional Student Education
The Department for Exceptional Student Education will provide a spectrum of innovative support that helps to inspire students with disabilities to reach their highest potential as responsible, productive citizens. Vision of the Osceola School District: The Osceola School District will work in partnership with families and the community to ensure all learners develop the essential knowledge and skills to strengthen our thriving community. Mission: Inspiring all learners to reach their highest potential as responsible, productive citizens. Osceola School District • The Osceola School District is located in the heart of Central Florida, and provides academic instruction, rigor, and support each school day to more than 72,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade in 60 schools. • The Osceola School District is proud of its diverse mix of students who represent over 100 different countries and various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. • The district offers an extensive range of school choice options to nurture the talents of students who have interest and ability in specific areas. • The public school system in the Osceola School District has a rich and intricate history. Built upon the efforts of many individuals who firmly believed in the importance of education to this community, public schools in this area have had a tremendous impact on the growth and economy of the region – as well as the thousands of individuals it has served. • With positive educational momentum and a supportive community base, the Osceola School District has developed a three-year strategic plan, which will guide improvement efforts on the next leg of its journey to greatness. Osceola County Schools Exceptional Student Education https://www.osceolaschools.net/Page/8744 407-870-4600 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Kissimmee, FL, USA . https://www.facebook.com/SDOCESE/ https://www.instagram.com/osceolaschoolsfl/ The Department for Exceptional Student Education will provide a spectrum of innovative support that helps to inspire students with disabilities to reach their highest potential as responsible, productive citizens. Vision of the Osceola School District: The Osceola School District will work in partnership with families and the community to ensure all learners develop the essential knowledge and skills to strengthen our thriving community. Mission: Inspiring all learners to reach their highest potential as responsible, productive citizens. Osceola School District • The Osceola School District is located in the heart of Central Florida, and provides academic instruction, rigor, and support each school day to more than 72,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade in 60 schools. • The Osceola School District is proud of its diverse mix of students who represent over 100 different countries and various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. • The district offers an extensive range of school choice options to nurture the talents of students who have interest and ability in specific areas. • The public school system in the Osceola School District has a rich and intricate history. Built upon the efforts of many individuals who firmly believed in the importance of education to this community, public schools in this area have had a tremendous impact on the growth and economy of the region – as well as the thousands of individuals it has served. • With positive educational momentum and a supportive community base, the Osceola School District has developed a three-year strategic plan, which will guide improvement efforts on the next leg of its journey to greatness. .
- Hillsborough County School District
The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department provides support and services to students with disabilities (SWD) who are eligible for special education services. Hillsborough County Public Schools serve over 30,000 students with disabilities, ages birth through 21, in over 250 schools. A continuum of services is provided in a variety of settings, which include general education classrooms, resource rooms, special classes, specialized day schools, and hospital homebound. Services for many SWD can be provided at their neighborhood school. Eligible students are provided supports and/or services per their Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is based on each child’s unique needs. Supplemental services are provided in collaboration with discretionary projects such as Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System, Florida Inclusion Network, and the Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET). The ESE Department is comprised of administrators, teachers, and other district level staff that provide professional learning opportunities and instructional programming to facilitate high quality instruction and supports for students with disabilities. The ESE Department supports the District in processes related to identification, evaluation, eligibility determination, educational placement and the provision of a free appropriate public education to SWD. Each of the Area Offices has an ESE Team which offers support and assistance to school staff and parents. The ESE Department ensures that parents have the opportunity to be a partner in the educational decisions made regarding their child, and that they are afforded the procedural safeguards to which they are entitled. The ESE Department collaborates with the parents of SWD in addressing any issues or concerns they may have. Collaboration between school staff members, families and students is the key to success for our students with disabilities. When families and educators work together as partners, our students can accomplish so much and realize our vision of preparing students for life. One Team, One Goal, The Power of One! Hillsborough County School District https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/Page/6212 813-273-7025 901 East Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, FL, USA . https://www.facebook.com/HillsboroughSch https://instagram.com/hillsboroughsch The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department provides support and services to students with disabilities (SWD) who are eligible for special education services. Hillsborough County Public Schools serve over 30,000 students with disabilities, ages birth through 21, in over 250 schools. A continuum of services is provided in a variety of settings, which include general education classrooms, resource rooms, special classes, specialized day schools, and hospital homebound. Services for many SWD can be provided at their neighborhood school. Eligible students are provided supports and/or services per their Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is based on each child’s unique needs. Supplemental services are provided in collaboration with discretionary projects such as Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System, Florida Inclusion Network, and the Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET). The ESE Department is comprised of administrators, teachers, and other district level staff that provide professional learning opportunities and instructional programming to facilitate high quality instruction and supports for students with disabilities. The ESE Department supports the District in processes related to identification, evaluation, eligibility determination, educational placement and the provision of a free appropriate public education to SWD. Each of the Area Offices has an ESE Team which offers support and assistance to school staff and parents. The ESE Department ensures that parents have the opportunity to be a partner in the educational decisions made regarding their child, and that they are afforded the procedural safeguards to which they are entitled. The ESE Department collaborates with the parents of SWD in addressing any issues or concerns they may have. Collaboration between school staff members, families and students is the key to success for our students with disabilities. When families and educators work together as partners, our students can accomplish so much and realize our vision of preparing students for life. One Team, One Goal, The Power of One! .
- Sarasota County Schools: Exceptional Student Education
The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department provides support and services to Students with Disabilities (SWD) who are eligible for special education services. Sarasota County Schools serve over 8,000 students with disabilities, ages from birth through 21, which encompasses over 40 schools. A continuum of services is provided in a variety of settings, which includes general education classrooms, resource rooms, special classes, specialized day schools, and hospital homebound. Services for many SWD can be provided at their neighborhood school. Eligible students are provided supports and/or services per their Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is based on each child’s unique needs. Supplemental services are provided in collaboration with discretionary projects such as Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS), ACCESS Project, Working with the Experts (WWE), Project 10, Problem-Solving and Response to Intervention (PS/RTI), and the Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET). The ESE Department comprises various professionals providing learning opportunities and instructional programming to facilitate high-quality instruction and supports for students with disabilities. The ESE Department supports the district in processes related to identification, evaluation, eligibility determination, educational placement, and the provision of a free appropriate public education for SWD. The ESE Department ensures that parents have the opportunity to partner in the educational decision-making process regarding their child and that they are afforded the procedural safeguards to which they are entitled. The ESE Department collaborates with the parents of SWD to address any issues or concerns. Collaboration between school staff members, families, and students is the key to success for our students with disabilities. When families and educators work together as partners, our students can meet their maximum potential. Our vision is every student, every day! Sarasota County Schools: Exceptional Student Education https://www.sarasotacountyschools.net/page/exceptional-student-education (941) 927-9000 1960 Landings Blvd, Sarasota, FL, USA The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department provides support and services to Students with Disabilities (SWD) who are eligible for special education services. Sarasota County Schools serve over 8,000 students with disabilities, ages from birth through 21, which encompasses over 40 schools. A continuum of services is provided in a variety of settings, which includes general education classrooms, resource rooms, special classes, specialized day schools, and hospital homebound. Services for many SWD can be provided at their neighborhood school. Eligible students are provided supports and/or services per their Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is based on each child’s unique needs. Supplemental services are provided in collaboration with discretionary projects such as Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS), ACCESS Project, Working with the Experts (WWE), Project 10, Problem-Solving and Response to Intervention (PS/RTI), and the Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET). The ESE Department comprises various professionals providing learning opportunities and instructional programming to facilitate high-quality instruction and supports for students with disabilities. The ESE Department supports the district in processes related to identification, evaluation, eligibility determination, educational placement, and the provision of a free appropriate public education for SWD. The ESE Department ensures that parents have the opportunity to partner in the educational decision-making process regarding their child and that they are afforded the procedural safeguards to which they are entitled. The ESE Department collaborates with the parents of SWD to address any issues or concerns. Collaboration between school staff members, families, and students is the key to success for our students with disabilities. When families and educators work together as partners, our students can meet their maximum potential. Our vision is every student, every day!
- Flagler Schools: Exceptional Student Education
Exceptional Student Education (ESE) is the name given in Florida to educational programs and services for students with special learning needs. It includes students serviced under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and those who are gifted. When a child is having difficulty in school, several kinds of help or interventions are attempted before an ESE evaluation is made. If the interventions are not successful, then the school and the parent will meet to discuss the options of evaluation. The evaluation will only happen with parent consent. In order to be eligible for ESE programs and services, a student must meet all requirements listed on the Florida Department of Education's ESE Eligibility page for a specific disability. At Flagler Schools, we are determined to identify and meet the unique educational needs of exceptional students and to provide the necessary support and resources needed to enhance educational opportunities so that our students are able to become productive citizens. Flagler Schools: Exceptional Student Education https://www.flaglerschools.com/academics/exceptional-student-education (386) 437-7526 1769 E Moody Blvd, Bunnell, FL, USA https://www.facebook.com/FlaglerSchools/ https://www.instagram.com/flaglerschools/ Exceptional Student Education (ESE) is the name given in Florida to educational programs and services for students with special learning needs. It includes students serviced under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and those who are gifted. When a child is having difficulty in school, several kinds of help or interventions are attempted before an ESE evaluation is made. If the interventions are not successful, then the school and the parent will meet to discuss the options of evaluation. The evaluation will only happen with parent consent. In order to be eligible for ESE programs and services, a student must meet all requirements listed on the Florida Department of Education's ESE Eligibility page for a specific disability. At Flagler Schools, we are determined to identify and meet the unique educational needs of exceptional students and to provide the necessary support and resources needed to enhance educational opportunities so that our students are able to become productive citizens.
- Orange County Public Schools: Exceptional Student Education
Orange County Public Schools serves approximately 37,800 students identified as eligible for Exceptional Student Education (ESE); this includes 13,419 students identified as gifted. Eligible students with disabilities are provided services from birth through age 22. ESE services are available at all public school sites throughout the district. OCPS is committed to providing exceptional students a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in accordance with federal, state, and local mandates. In keeping with this philosophy, the School District: - Provides every exceptional student with an appropriate individualized education program (IEP) - Offers exceptional students services that are available to every other student - Provides placement alternatives that enable students to be educated in the least restrictive environment - Encourages the participation of parents in the educational process - Ensures the right to due process and equal protection under the law Our central office ESE department offers support to schools and helps monitor services for Students with Disabilities (SWD) and Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA/504). Orange County Public Schools: Exceptional Student Education https://www.ocps.net/departments/exceptional_student_education (407) 317-3229 445 West Amelia Street, Orlando, FL, USA https://www.facebook.com/OrangeCountyPublicSchools https://www.instagram.com/ocps_official/ https://www.youtube.com/user/OrangeCoSchoolsFL Orange County Public Schools serves approximately 37,800 students identified as eligible for Exceptional Student Education (ESE); this includes 13,419 students identified as gifted. Eligible students with disabilities are provided services from birth through age 22. ESE services are available at all public school sites throughout the district. OCPS is committed to providing exceptional students a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in accordance with federal, state, and local mandates. In keeping with this philosophy, the School District: - Provides every exceptional student with an appropriate individualized education program (IEP) - Offers exceptional students services that are available to every other student - Provides placement alternatives that enable students to be educated in the least restrictive environment - Encourages the participation of parents in the educational process - Ensures the right to due process and equal protection under the law Our central office ESE department offers support to schools and helps monitor services for Students with Disabilities (SWD) and Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA/504).
- Polk County Public Schools: Exceptional Student Education
Polk County’s Exceptional Student Education Department serves more than 18,000 students from preschool through 22 years of age. They include students with various disabilities as well as gifted learners. Staff members work with students’ families and teachers to identify available services and programs to help these students succeed in school and in their lives beyond the classroom. Some examples of support services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, mental health counseling, assistive technology and audiological evaluations. We thank you for taking time to learn more about the ESE department and the special students who are Polk County Public Schools: Exceptional Student Education https://www.polkschoolsfl.com/schoolsandprograms/ese (863) 534-0500 1915 South Floral Avenue, Bartow, FL, USA https://www.facebook.com/polkcountypublicschools https://www.instagram.com/polkcountypublicschools https://www.youtube.com/polkcountypublicschools Polk County’s Exceptional Student Education Department serves more than 18,000 students from preschool through 22 years of age. They include students with various disabilities as well as gifted learners. Staff members work with students’ families and teachers to identify available services and programs to help these students succeed in school and in their lives beyond the classroom. Some examples of support services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, mental health counseling, assistive technology and audiological evaluations. We thank you for taking time to learn more about the ESE department and the special students who are
- Volusia County Schools: Exceptional Student Education
Exceptional Student Education (ESE) provides services to over 13,000 students within Volusia County Schools. Students may be considered for ESE services if they meet the criteria of one or more of the categories of disabilities and/or meet eligibility criteria for gifted services as outlined in the Exceptional Student Education Special Policies and Procedures (SP&P) Students may be identified with intellectual, behavioral, physical, medical, sensory and/or communication exceptionalities. The student must show a need for special education and related services as a result of his/her disability or disabilities. Students being considered for the gifted program are also required to demonstrate an educational need for services. Parents have the right to bring another adult of their choice to any ESE related meetings. For further information about services, click on ESE Programs and Services on the left. The site will provide general information and awareness of the services and programs that ESE/SS supports. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding your child's: - Evaluation for Gifted or Exceptional Student Education (ESE) - Individual Education Plan (IEP) - Gifted Educational Plan (EP) - Section 504 - McKay or Gardiner Scholarship - ESE services or support - General questions or concerns regarding students' exceptional needs Please leave a message with your name, contact information, and a summary of your concern. If you are contacting us about a student, please include the student's name and school. We will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days. Volusia County Schools: Exceptional Student Education https://www.vcsedu.org/directory/departments/teaching-leading-and-learning/exceptional-student-education (386) 734-7190 200 North Clara Avenue, DeLand, FL, USA https://www.facebook.com/VolusiaCountySchools/ https://www.instagram.com/volusiaschools/ https://twitter.com/volusiaschools https://www.youtube.com/user/volusiaschools Exceptional Student Education (ESE) provides services to over 13,000 students within Volusia County Schools. Students may be considered for ESE services if they meet the criteria of one or more of the categories of disabilities and/or meet eligibility criteria for gifted services as outlined in the Exceptional Student Education Special Policies and Procedures (SP&P) Students may be identified with intellectual, behavioral, physical, medical, sensory and/or communication exceptionalities. The student must show a need for special education and related services as a result of his/her disability or disabilities. Students being considered for the gifted program are also required to demonstrate an educational need for services. Parents have the right to bring another adult of their choice to any ESE related meetings. For further information about services, click on ESE Programs and Services on the left. The site will provide general information and awareness of the services and programs that ESE/SS supports. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding your child's: - Evaluation for Gifted or Exceptional Student Education (ESE) - Individual Education Plan (IEP) - Gifted Educational Plan (EP) - Section 504 - McKay or Gardiner Scholarship - ESE services or support - General questions or concerns regarding students' exceptional needs Please leave a message with your name, contact information, and a summary of your concern. If you are contacting us about a student, please include the student's name and school. We will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days.
- Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS)
One of Florida’s highest performing school districts offering all students excellence and equity in academics, arts and athletics. The mission of the Seminole County Public Schools is to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be productive citizens. Seminole County Public Schools has two priorities: I. Excellence • High standards and expectations for student performance • Quality instruction • Efficient, effective business operations • Rigorous curriculum • Professional, high quality workforce • High standardized test scores II. Equity • High standards of excellence for all students • Consistency in expectations for all student sub-groups • Diversity in district leadership, school student enrollment, and instructional/support staffing • Higher average test scores combined with a tighter range of scores and decreased variance in scores for all student sub-groups Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) https://www.scps.k12.fl.us/district/departments/student-support-services/ese-services 407-320-0000 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, FL, USA . https://www.facebook.com/SeminoleCountySchools https://twitter.com/SCPSInfo https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3U3hDMUNdvTHAD3yklG4KA https://www.linkedin.com/company/seminole-county-public-schools/ One of Florida’s highest performing school districts offering all students excellence and equity in academics, arts and athletics. The mission of the Seminole County Public Schools is to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be productive citizens. Seminole County Public Schools has two priorities: I. Excellence • High standards and expectations for student performance • Quality instruction • Efficient, effective business operations • Rigorous curriculum • Professional, high quality workforce • High standardized test scores II. Equity • High standards of excellence for all students • Consistency in expectations for all student sub-groups • Diversity in district leadership, school student enrollment, and instructional/support staffing • Higher average test scores combined with a tighter range of scores and decreased variance in scores for all student sub-groups .
- Brevard Public
Services are provided to students who have been found eligible for ESE programs including the following: Specific Learning Disabled Intellectually Disabled Emotional Behavioral Disabled Deaf or Hard of Hearing Visually Impaired Physically Handicapped Speech Impaired Language Impaired Autism Spectrum Disorder Gifted Related services include educationally relevant Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. The ESE program is funded from state, federal and local allocations. Policies, programs, and procedures are established in accordance with state and federal regulations and requirements. Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services are provided at all schools. The majority of students receive their education at their neighborhood school. Although all Brevard Public Schools offer a continuum of services to support the needs of students requiring ESE services, some students who require the supports of a separate class setting may access a classroom that meets their individual needs in accordance with the feeder plan for their neighborhood school. The latest Student Progression Plan for Exceptional Student Education is available on our site. Upon graduation, each student should be able to follow post-graduation activities as written in their Transition Plan. As a possible option for students who may choose Adult Education, classes have been established in three areas of the county for students with disabilities. Additional classes are accessed through the Pathways to Learning program at the Adult Education Sites. Brevard Public https://www.brevardschools.org/o/bps/page/exceptional-student-education 321-633-1000 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Melbourne, FL, USA . https://www.facebook.com/BrevardPublicSchools https://twitter.com/BrevardSchools Services are provided to students who have been found eligible for ESE programs including the following: Specific Learning Disabled Intellectually Disabled Emotional Behavioral Disabled Deaf or Hard of Hearing Visually Impaired Physically Handicapped Speech Impaired Language Impaired Autism Spectrum Disorder Gifted Related services include educationally relevant Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. The ESE program is funded from state, federal and local allocations. Policies, programs, and procedures are established in accordance with state and federal regulations and requirements. Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services are provided at all schools. The majority of students receive their education at their neighborhood school. Although all Brevard Public Schools offer a continuum of services to support the needs of students requiring ESE services, some students who require the supports of a separate class setting may access a classroom that meets their individual needs in accordance with the feeder plan for their neighborhood school. The latest Student Progression Plan for Exceptional Student Education is available on our site. Upon graduation, each student should be able to follow post-graduation activities as written in their Transition Plan. As a possible option for students who may choose Adult Education, classes have been established in three areas of the county for students with disabilities. Additional classes are accessed through the Pathways to Learning program at the Adult Education Sites. .